Sharing Tounges

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Welcome and Join!

Welcome to AnimalClan! We are brave and strong warrior cats. But, we are strict on rules.

1- NO BLOGWALKERS! I will murder any blogwalker that comes on!
2- No powerplaying!
3- You must have permission to rp someone elses' cats.
4-No cursing, Mous-brain, Mouse-dung, Fox-dung, Fox-heart, are allowed.
5- You must commented twice a week, higher ranks must comment thrice a week, if not, they will deleted.
6- Follow the warrior code, unless you ask to be evil.
7- I will make prophecies and decide who is in it, no whinign if I don't choose you.

Thank you. (Joining doesn't count as a comment)

Picture Link-

We accept the names: Dragon, Yew, Jackal, horse, Sheep, Tornado, Hurricane, Hail, Magma, and Down. Most Clans don
't accept those names because cats don't know what those are.


  1. Name-echoleaf
    Age-24 moons old.
    Rank-deputy?[if not head warrior,if not that warrior.]
    Description-light brown tabby and cream she-cat with green eyes.
    Personalty-kind,fair,agile,peaceful,protective,and paitient.she would do anything for her clan and always thinks carefuly but quicky before fighting.her biggest falts are her stuborness and impaitience with cats that have wronged her.
    Kin/Mate/Crush-none,her kin abandoned her and so she thinks of them as dead.
    History-when she was appprentice aged,her kin abandoned her,she soon learned how to care for herself,thought she hates her kin,she's determined not to make the same mistakes.
    Picture Link-

  2. Name- Trembleglade

    Age-30 moons (2 years and 6 months)

    Gender- She-cat

    Rank- Head Warrior

    Description- Gorgeous tortoise-shell/white she-cat with fluffy fur and striking green eyes.

    Personalty- Very fun to be around. She usually does things for others even when it would be hard on her, and she never tells anyone when she is having a hard time. Everyone LOVES to be around her, and toms flirt with her all the time.(Could you ask each tom to flirt a little? You do have to but I was just wondering.)

    Kin/Mate/Crush-She has a HUMUNGO crush on Owlstar.(Can they please become mates?)

    History- She doesn't talk about it.

    Picture Link-

  3. lol sure Owlstar and Terembleglade can become mates

  4. Name-Stripestone
    Age-36 moons
    Rank-medicine cat
    Description-Stripestone is a gray tabby tom with pale green eyes.
    Personality-He is sweet, nice, caring, and kind. He loves helping and healing other cats, and is always there for you when you need him. Stripestone is very committed to his duties, and is also a great friend. He gives very good advice and loves kits.
    History-Stripestone knew that he wanted to be a medicine cat from a very early age, and took over the position when his predecessor died.
    Picture Link-

  5. Name-tallflower
    21 moons old
    slender,long leged brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes.
    Personalty-light on her paws,paitient,silent,sweet,she's quick thinking and is always liliening to everything around her.
    Kin/Mate/Crush-her only kin is hawkpaw her little brother.
    History-she and her brother were rogue but decided to join a clan becuase they felt like they had nouthing to fight for.
    Picture Link-

    Age-9 moons
    Description-greyish brown tabby tom with blue eyes.
    kind,easygoing,hard working,brave and strong.
    his sister is tallflower.
    History-he and his sister were rogue but decided to join a clan becuase they felt like they had nouthing to fight for.
    Picture Link-

    Age-29 moons
    Description-brown and white with blue eyes.
    Personalty-kind,loving and paitient with kits she can have a temper.
    her mate died,and her kits are moonkit,mudkit,and whitekit.
    History-she joinedthe clan because she didn't think she could raise her kits alone after her mate died.used to be a kittypet.
    Picture Link-

    Age-1 moon
    Description-white and tabby cat with blue eyes.
    calm,quiet,wise,paitient.she doesn't talk without reason and hate fighting.
    Kin/Mate/Crush-he mother is riversplash and her brothers are whitekit and mudkit.
    History-only ever remembers being in a clan.
    Picture Link-

    Age-1 moon
    Description-brown coulred with amber eyes.
    Personalty-quickk thinking,loyal,brave,shy,and helpful.he's the kinda friend that's always there for you.
    Kin/Mate/Crush-his mother is riversplash and his littermates are whitekit and moonkit.
    History-only ever remembers being in aa clan.
    Picture Link-

    Age-1 moon
    Description-snow white with blue eyes.
    Personalty-kind,funny,enthsiastic,ful of energie.loyal and brave.
    Kin/Mate/Crush-his mother is riversplash and his littermates are mudkit annd moonkit.
    History-only ever remembers being in a clan.
    Picture Link-

  6. Name-Skypaw (Skywing)
    Age-8 moons
    Description-Skypaw has bright blue eyes and a ginger and white pelt.
    Personality-She is adventurous, smart, loyal, athletic, and brave. She is one of the fastest runners in the clan, and uses her speed in battles. She is also very pretty, but that doesn't really matter to her. Skypaw is also cheerful and a great friend.
    Kin/Mate/Crush-She has a bit of a crush on Hawkpaw.
    History-She has lived in the clan her whole life.
    Picture Link-

  7. Name- Blizzardsight

    Age- 38 moons (3years and 2 months)

    Gender- Tom

    Rank- Warrior

    Description- Handsome pure with tom with green eyes. He is blind in one eye.

    Personalty- Very proud and noble. Enemies can become scared just by looking at him, yet he is very nice and humorous. He enjoys to make his clan laugh, and is very loyal to Owlstar.

    Kin/Mate/Crush- Maybe Riversplash if shes active.

    History-Born in this clan.

    Picture Link-

    Name- Morningdapple

    Age-25 moons (To lazy to translate.)


    Rank- Warrior

    Description- Gorgeous calico she-cat with dark, stormy yet attractive eyes.

    Personalty- Very lithe and smart. Toms like her because she plays hard to get, and is more into battle and such. She wants to become deputy and can be very ambitious.

    Kin/Mate/Crush- None

    History- Born here.

    Picture Link-

  8. Name- Briarpaw (Briarfall)
    Age- 8 moons
    Gender- she-cat
    Rank- apprentice
    Description- Pretty golden tabby with light green eyes
    Personalty- She is kind, a bit stubborn, loud, funny, playful, and adventurous. She's always getting herself into trouble.
    Kin/Mate/Crush- Looking for a future mate, cousin is Falconpaw
    History- Mother was a rogue, father was a warrior
    Picture Link-,r:18,s:119&tx=102&ty=103&biw=1679&bih=870

    Name- Falconpaw (Falconwing)
    Age- 9 moons
    Gender- tom
    Rank- apprentice
    Description- Handsome brown tabby tom with blue eyes
    Personalty- He is kind, strong, fast, funny, and loves a challenge.
    Kin/Mate/Crush- Looking for a future mate
    History- Born here
    Picture Link-,r:6,s:0&biw=1679&bih=870

    Thanks ans sorry for the long urls!

  9. Briarpaw:


    sorry about tht XD

  10. Name- Emeraldpaw(Emeraldclaw)
    Age- 9 moons
    Gender- Tom
    Rank- Apprentice
    Description- Emeraldpaw is a handsome dark ginger tom with bright emerald green eyes.
    Personalty- He is loyal, brave, calm, and extremly fast, possibly one of the fastest cats in the clan.
    Kin- none
    Mate- none
    Crush- he likes Briarpaw
    History- His parents would often scold him for doing anything when he was a kit, and Emerald was sick of it. Soon, he ran away from his parents, bringing him to AnimalClan.
    Picture Link-

    Thanks Spyre!!!

  11. Name- deathpaw
    Age- 6moons
    Rank- med apprentice?
    Description-gray and white swirld cat with bright yellow eyes!
    Personalty-kind,easy going,and ready to learn
    History-she was a lonely kit and had stumbled apone this clan otherwise she doesn't talk about it.
    Picture Link-

  12. Name: Riverpaw(River...[you can chose the last part.])
    Age: 6 1/2 Moons
    Gender: she-cat
    Rank: Apprentice
    Description: a black kit with amber eyes. very swift, strong, agile and graceful(not trying to make her perfect!).
    Personality: she is at first pretty shy but as time goes on her true self is kind, outgoing, brave, loyal, sneaky(like 'how 'bout an adventure' and sneaking off), a prankster and untimatly playful. she is very good at climbing and can climb very high.
    Kin/Crush: her sister is Bluepaw and her crush is: Falconpaw
    History: she perfers not to talk about it. but all anyone knows is when they ask her history she mews 'Fox'.

    Name: Bluepaw(Bluefur[i dont mean to copy Bluestar from Warriors!])
    Age: 6 1/2 Moons
    Gender: she-cat
    Rank: Apprentice
    Description: a grey and white kit/cat with olive green eyes and a hint of tabby. very strong, agile, swift and graceful(JUST LIKE MY KITTY NAMED KIT!)
    Personality: outgoing, smart, loyal, brave, kind, fun and very very VERY playful. she loves to learn though can be tough. she stands up for those in need small as she is and will stand up for what she thinks is right.
    Kin/Crush: sister is Riverpaw and her crush is: Hawkpaw
    History: like her sister she never talks about it and when you insist on knowing she says 'Fox'.
    Pic: (her grown up. cant find a kit pic.)

    (i found this adorable photo i want to share here is the link: ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

  13. that is adorable XD And you are accepted

  14. and, how is this for Bluepaw's kitten picture?

  15. perfect. the eyes are wrong color (not olive green) but oh well. oh and i will change her adult pic when i get a real pic of her on my computer!

    Name- Cougarclaw
    Age- 13 Moons
    Gender- She-cat
    Rank- Warrior
    Description- a large brown/white cat who looks like a cougar cub. very cougar-like. in fact some say she is a cougar somehow permanintly made a cub. she is expert climber and is very strong, agile, swift and graceful.
    Personalty- for the most part she is kind, loyal, sweet, sort of attractive, fun-loving and sometimes even a prankster. she is a great hunter and fierce in battle. stay on her OK side not her GRRRRR side for safety reasons!
    Kin/Mate/Crush- sister to Coyotepaw who is a litter younger then her.
    History- she does not talk about it to anyone. all she ever really says is she got lost pretty young and found a foster mother named Maza. Coyotepaw knows nothing more then anyone else does.
    Picture Link-

    Name- Coyotepaw
    Age- 9 Moons
    Gender- she-cat
    Rank- apprentice
    Description- a coyote pup looking cat. very agile, fast and pretty strong
    Personalty- very coyote like. but sweeter.
    Kin/Mate/Crush- sister to Cougarclaw
    History- she herself does not know it. all she knows is she was lost one day somehow and her sister who she had heard of and knew the looks of found her and toke care of her.
    Picture Link-

    10 Moons old
    wolf pupish look.
    not around much so hard to tell his personality
    has major crush on Morningdapple though doubts he could be her mate.
    he was abandoned very young and somehow survived
