Sharing Tounges

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Love Lake (Mates Page)

This lake is shaped of an heart and it is a romantic place at night, the fireflies dance and the stars twinkle with a special light. Many cats come here to seek love.

Avaible Toms- Owlstar, Blizzardsight, Hawkpaw, Emeraldclaw, Falconwing, Hawkflight, Wolfstalker, Mudpaw, Whitepaw
Afvaible She-cats- Trembleglade, Echoleaf, Tallflower, Riversplash, Morningdapple, Skywing, Brairfall, Coyotepaw, Bluepaw, Riverpaw, Forestpool, Cougarclaw, Moonpaw,
Crushes- Trembleglade has a HUMANGO crush on Owlstar
Blizzardsight likes Riversplash
Skywing likes Hawkflight
Emeraldclaw likes Brairfall
Riverpaw likes Falconwing
Bluepaw likes Hawkflight


(Apprentices CANNOT become mates until they are warriors, they can be in love though)


  1. Howcome Tallflower and Splahriver and such aren't there?

  2. [maybe it hasen't been updated?]

    riversplash looked around and licked her chest calmly.

    tallflower smiled and sat down.

    hawkpaw looked around but his thoughts were on a beitiful ginger and white she-cat with pretty blue eyes.skypaw.....

  3. (TO remind you Blizzardsight kinda like Riversplash.)

    Blizzardsight padded to the shore of the lake, looking around.

    Trembleglade sighed as she approached and lapped some water. She hoped she would run into Owlstar.

  4. Owlstar purred and nodded at Tallflower who sat alone and padded to the crisp clear water, and she shivered as he saw the beautfiul calico reflection of Trembleglade, and took a lick of water, rippling her reflection.

  5. riversplash spotted blizzardsigh and smiled,she paded over to him."hi."she mewed kindly.

  6. Trembleglade saw her reflection shimmer and looked up to see Owlstar. Her heart skipped a beat and she jumped."Oh! Hi, didn't expect to see you." She smiled sheepishly.

    Blizzardsight turned to see Riversplash. He felt his skin get hot."Hey." He purred, trying to act cool.

  7. Owlstar smiled to Trembleglade, "Nor you. I just expected a quite walk to myself."

  8. Trembleglade shuffled her paws."Oh, I didn't mean to bother you." She looked at the ground hoping Owlstar had actually meant to come here.

  9. Owlstar started to purr, "Ah! It doesn't bother me, to see you here."

  10. "so how's hunting?"riversplash asked.

  11. Trembleglade sighed."That's good, I didn't want to be any trouble." She smiled, then looked at her own reflection in the water.Is it just me, or is the moon brighter tonight? She thought as she gazed across the lake.

    Blizzardsight shrugged."I guess it's okay." He said timidly, not sure of what to say.

  12. Owlstar smiled at her, "Isn't the full moon beautiful in leaf-bare? Shining on the fresh snow, and glittering on everything?" Owlstar then thought, keeping his thoughts to himself, Like you...

  13. riversplash noded shyly."i can't wait to go back to being a warrior."she mewed.

  14. Trembleglade nodded."Yeah, it really does." She looked up to the moon, the light bathing her face. Frost began to gather on the edges of her fur, making her whole body sparkle. Her green eyes stood out. She looked absolutely stunning.

  15. (I might do a major update soon, but now now, waiting for the weekend, waaay too much school)

    Owlstar almost jumped by Trembleglade's beauty. He started to stammer, "But... uh... less prey, and our kits starve and mew to us like baby birds..." He started to purr trying to keep his affection to himself.

  16. (I know how to have awesome backgrounds if you make me an admin. And could you join my clan please? )

    Trembleglade couldn't help but thinking of what he said.Our kits? Does he mean his kits and my kits? She purred at the thought, then realized it must be obvious how much she liked him. She shook the thought away and looked at him."That's true. Hopefully New-leaf comes soon." Trembleglade smiled.

  17. Owlstar nodded, "I have heard from a loner that New0Leaf is coming as soon as we see a robin. A strange brown and red bird, he says we will know when we will see one." He meowed keeping his cool.

  18. Trembleglade closed her eyes, trying to picture this red and brown bird. She could see her and Owlstar hunting together, and the bird zipped above their heads. She shook away the thought. She thought of Owlstar to much, surely it was obvious she liked him. She surely hoped he felt the same way, or it would be like last time.

  19. Owlstar purred and he hoped that the bird would come soon. New-leaf would mean kits.. maybe he would have his own. He quickly shook away the thought, why did he think of Trembleglade so much? Did the whole clan know he liked her? If they did, he might take her as a mate soon.. or else cats would mutter about him. He purred at the thought.

  20. Trembleglade smiled at the happy look on Owlstar's face, then leaned down to lap up some cool, crisp water.

    (OMGOSHNESS!!! Can she be kidnapped?)

  21. Owlstar prodded the ground, (yes, how about after this comment? Then you can make someone kidnap her ^^) he stared at her, "Would you like be mates?"

  22. (okay yay!)

    Trembleglade widened her green eyes."Really!? Do you mean it!?" She shifted her paws quickly, then jumped on Owlstar."Yes! I would love to!" She purred with delight."Not me." She heard a deep growl from the trees. A brown tom leaped out a grasped her scruff in his jaw.

  23. Owlstar's eyes grew wide and he yowled and chased after the tom, and his claws slid out. No rogue was going to take his mate! Just at that moment, a bird that has a brown back and a red belly landed in a tree and chirped its lovely song.

  24. Trembleglade shrieked."Owlstar!" She glanced at the bird. If only it had come at a better time. She winced in pain as a rock sliced down her back. The tom wasn't exactly dragging her very well.

  25. Owlstar snarled, who would mistreat his mate like this? Fury raged through him and he fought to keep his claws in, in case they snagged on something and slowed him down. Above him the bird chirped worridly, as if it knew what horrible thing was happening.

  26. (ah late comment: Yes you can be an admin XD Email pls?)

  27. XD Okay its

    Trembleglade felt guilty. Owlstar chasing her. Why couldn't she ever defend herself. Like last time.... She sighed, then her vision went fuzzy as her head hit a tree.

  28. Owlstar whimpered and was slowing down as soon as a thorn hit his pad. 'Really? A thorn! At this time?' He thought angerily, and watched as the rogue ran with his new mate....sadness, frustration, and anger filling him. Wanting to explode out in tears.

    (Sent an inviitation)
