Sharing Tounges

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Many New Cats!

Owlstar leaped on the Owl's Roost and called the sarcred words, "Everyone who can catch their own prey must gather under the Owl's Roost for a Clan meeting!" As the cats gathered he stared down under his rock where many cats sat. He looked back up at the Clan again. "We have many new cats joining us today. Our warriors are Cougarclaw, Wolfstalker, and Forestpool." He paused and stared down at the three new warriors, "Do you three promise to uphold the warrior code and protect the Clan with your life?"
"I do." They said calmly, with a tint of nervousness.
"Then, by the powers of StarClan, you three are warriors of AnimalClan. I have high hopes for you.
"We have some new apprentices as well. To take care of it, come forward you three kits." The three trembling kits hopped forward and faced their leader. "Moonkit, you have reached the age of 6 moons, so, do you promise to uphold the warrior code?" Moonkit nodded and mewed calmly and loudly, "I do." Owlstar dipped his head to her, "Then, until you recieve your warrior name, you will be known as Moonpaw."
Moonpaw blinked at his pause, no mentor?
Owlstar turned to her brother, Mudkit. "Mudkit, you have reached the age of 6 moons, do you promise to uphold the warrior code?"
"I do." He meowed.
"Then, until you recieve your warrior name, you will be known as Mudpaw. Your mother, Riversplash will mentor you." Mudpaw hopped over to his mother and touched noses with her, and Riversplash whispered something to Mudkit, which was unheard.
"Last, but not least, Whitekit." Whitekit looked up to his leader with his sparkling blue eyes. "You have reached the age of 6 moons, so, do you promise to uphold the warrior code?"
"I do!" He cried.
Owlstar purred and continued, "Then, until you recieve your warrior name, you will be known as Whitepaw."
Whitepaw waited for his mentor's name, but no name was given....
Before anything else, Owlstar looked up to the sky, "StarClan, give praise to these apprentices who now become warriors!"
Owlstar looked over at the apprentices: Hawkpaw, Emeraldpaw, Brairpaw, Skypaw, and Falconpaw. "All step forward please." The apprentices eagerly stepped forward, trembling with excitement. "Trembleglade." He looked at her with a pause. "As your apprentice completed his training?" Trembleglade nodded and had a pause as well, "Yes.. he did O-owlstar." Owlstar turned back to Hawkpaw, "Then, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
Hawkpaw nodded bravely, "I do."
"Then, you shall be known as Hawkflight. And you shall mentor the newest apprentice, Moonpaw."
Moonpaw sighed with releif and touched noses with Hawkflight.
Owlstar turned to Emeraldpaw, nodded, and then turned to his mentor, Morningdapple. "Morningdapple, has your apprentice completed his training?" Morningdapple nodded, "He sure did, Owlstar." Thinking, If I were leader I would have done this sooner!
Owlstar turned to Emeraldpaw, "Then, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do." He said.
"Then, you shall be known as Emeraldclaw. And, you shall mentor the newest apprentice, Whitepaw."
Whitepaw bounded to Emeraldclaw and touched noses. As Brairpaw stepped forward.
"Blizzardsight, has BRairpaw completed her training?" Blizzardsight nodded and Owlstar turned to Brairpaw again. "Then, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect the clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do." She muttered.
"Then, you shall be known as Brairfall. Newly made warrior of AnimalClan." As they touched noses and BRairfall licked his should, Falconpaw was beginning to step forward.
Owlstar looked at his deputy, "Echoleaf, Falconpaw has completed his training, yes?" Echoleaf nodded and Owlstar stared at Falconpaw. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect the clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do."
"Then, you shall be known as Falconwing. StarClan bless you." They touched noses and Falconwing licked Owlstar's shoulder. And Skypaw stepped forward.
"Tallflower, Skypaw has completed her training?" Tall flower nodded and he stared at Skypaw, "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect the clan, at the cost of your life?" Skypaw dipped her hesad, "I do." Owlstar continued, "Then, you shall be known as Skywing." They touched noses and Skypaw licked Owlstar's shoulder.
"Lasty, we have three new apprentices joining us today. Riverpaw, and her mentor is Cougfarclaw. BLuepaw and her mentor is Wolfstalker, and Coyotepaw and her mentor is Forestpool. Welcome to AnimalClan!"

Moonpaw! Mudpaw! Whitepaw! Riversplash! Hawkflight! Emeraldclaw! Brairfall! Forestpool! Riverpaw! Bluepaw! Coyotepaw! Wolfstalker! Cougarclaw! Falconwing! Skywing!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Medicine Cat Appentice!

Owlstar leaped up on the ______. "Calling all cats who can catch their own prey come under the ___ for a Clan Meeting!" He changed the words to sorta, mix it up. He stared down at the small gray kit on the ground, "We have a new kit joining us today, Death. Death, would you like to choose the different path of a Medicine Cat instead of following the cats before you's footsteps?"
"I do." Deathpaw nodded.
"Then, Deathpaw. Your mentor is Stripestone. We welcome you to the clan!"

Deathpaw! Deathpaw! Deathpaw!

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Apprentice!

Owlstar leaped on the ______ and stared at the new apprentice, we almost have more apprentices then warriors! And he called the clan together. "We have another apprentice joining us today. Emeraldpaw, step forward." He did so. "Until you recieve your warrior name, you shall be known as Emeraldpaw. Morningdapple, you are a new warrior, but you shall mentor Emeraldpaw. Teach him your kindness and feirceness!"
Morningdapple nodded to Owlstar and touched noses with her new apprentice, one step towards deputy!
"Meeting Dismissed!"

Morningdapple! Morningdapple! Morningdapple! Emeraldpaw! Emeraldpaw! Emeraldpaw!

New Cats!

Owlstar leaped on the ____ and called his clan together, "All those we can catch their own prey gather under the ____ for a clan meeting!" As the cats gatehred he beckoned forward the new cats. "We welcome our new warriors, Blizzardsight and Morningdapple!" He stared at Blizzardsight, one of his eyes seemed cloudy. "Blizzardsight, do you wish to uphold the warrior code and protect the clan with the cost of your life?"
"I do." He answered with much strength.
"Then, by the powers of StarClan, you are a warrior of AnimalClan! We honor your strength and nobilty." Blizzardsight dipped his white white and stepped back into the crowd. Then, Owlstar looked over at Morningdapple.
"Morningdapple, do you wish to uphold the warrior code and protect the clan with the cost of your life?"
"I do." She meowed sweetly, but firmly.
"Then, by the powers of StarClan, you are a warrior of AnimalClan! We honor your genleness and smartness!" Then he stared back into the clan as Morningdapple stepped back, "We also have two new apprentices. Brairpaw, Flaconpaw, step forward." They do so.
"Brairpaw, until you recieve your warrior name you will remain Brairpaw. Blizzardsight, even as a new warrior, you shall mentor Brairpaw. Please teach her your nobility and strength!" The two cats touched noses and they walked back into the group. Owlstar looked over at Falconpaw.
"Falconpaw, until you recieve your warrior name, you will remain Falconpaw. Echoleaf." He flicked his gaze to the deputy. "YOu shall mentor Falconpaw. Teach him your kindness and leadership." He looked into the happy clan as the two cats touched snouts and went into the crowd.
"Meeting Dismissed!"

Blizzardsight! Blizzardsight! Blizzardsight! Morningdapple! Morningdapple! Morningdapple! Brairpaw! Brairpaw! Brairpaw! Falconpaw! Falconpaw! Falconpaw! Echoleaf! Echoleaf! Echoleaf!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Many New Cats!

Owlstar leaped on the ______ and called his rapdily growning clan together. "We have many new cats joining us today, Stripstone our new medicine cat! Tallflower our new warrior! Riversplash a queen with her kits, Moonkit, Whitekit, Mudkit! And our new apprentices Hawkpaw and Skypaw. Please step forward all of you." They do so. Owlstar looked at Stripstone, "Do you wish to take the different path as a medicine cat?"
"I do." He answers strongly.
"Then, I make you AnimalClan's medicine cat!" He stepped back and Tallflower stepped up.
"Tallflower, you have earned a warrior name and we honor your speed and kindness, you are now a warrior of AnimalClan!" Tallflower dipped her head and she humbly stepped back making Hawkpaw and Skypaw step forward, touching flanks. "Hawkpaw. Until you are a warrior you will be known as Hawkpaw. Trembleglade, you shall mentor him. Teach him your kindness and lovingness!" The two cats touch noses and they step back, leaving only Skypaw. "Skypaw. Until you receive your warrior name you shall keep your name and Tallflower, even as a new warrior you two equal speed. So you shall mentor her, teach her your speed and bravery!"
He looked at his clan, "Meeting Dismissed!"

Tallflower! Tallflower! Tallflower! Stripstone! Stripstone! Stripstone! Riversplash! Riversplash! Riversplash! Whitekit! Whitekit! Whitekit! Moonkit! Moonkit! Moonkit! Mudkit! Mudkit! Mudkit! Hawkpaw! Hawkpaw! Hawkpaw! Skypaw! Skypaw! Skypaw!

New Head Warrior!

Owlstar leaped on the ______ and called his still very meager clan together. He stared down at the beautiful she-cat that just joined, her name was Trembleglade. "We have a new warrior joining us." He flicked to Trembleglade, "Trembleglade, do you wish to uphold the warrior code and protect the clan with the cost of your life?"
"I do." She said, with a warm voice.
"Then by the powers of StarClan I make you, our head warrior. Welcome Trembleglade."
She dipped her head to Owlstar and Owlstar felt warm near this new she-cat.
"Meeting Dismissed!"

Trembleglade! Trembleglade! Trembleglade!

New Deputy!

Owlstar leaped on the ______ and called his very small clan together. He sighed and thought, Well, at least I have a deputy. He stared at Echoleaf and dipped his head, "Echoleaf, welcome to AnimalClan, you are our new deputy." He paused then yowled, "Meeting Dismissed!"

Echoleaf! Echoleaf! Echoleaf!